We welcome contributors of rule of thumb to this website!

Whether you contribute several rules of thumbs or just one, your contribution is appreciated.

Here’s what you need to do to contribute:

  1. Register as a user on this site by going here – Click Here
  2. Send us an email to let us know that you want to contribute. Be sure to include the user name that you created when you registered at Rule-of-Thumb.com.

Some Guide Lines on Contributing any Rule of Thumb

The following are basic guide lines for anyone wanting to contribute a rule of thumb:

  1. All users that register will be categorized as a subscriber. A subscriber can NOT create any posts or upload any images.
  2. After you send us an email letting us know that you want to contribute one or more rules of thumb, Once we have your user information, we will manually “upgrade” your user name from Subscriber to “Contributor Plus”. We will send you an email letting you know that your user status has been upgraded.
  3. Please be sure to read our Terms and Conditions which explains the use of our site. In plain English, anything that you contribute and is posted on our site becomes the intellectual property of this site.
  4. Also, please read our Copyright Notice. We will not tolerate any plagiarism of content, images or anything else from other sites. If we are notified that any of the contributed content on our site has been copied from another site, we will honor that site’s request and remove that content.
  5. Post Image Size – Maximum is 2560px x 2560px. Minimum is 1600px x 1600px. These are images sizes for the Featured Image in a post. Do NOT upload any image greater than 2560px x 2560px.
  6. As a “Contributor Plus” you are able to upload images, create a post and save that post as a draft. An administrator of this site will review all contributed posts and will publish them after approval by that administrator.

Please note that these guide lines may change over time.